By Teh Hooi Ling
Sunday, Aug 15, 2010
The Business Times
Key article highlights:
- One way to value a company is to use the abnormal earnings formula - discount its future stream of abnormal earnings (earnings above the cost of its capital) to its present value; and add that number to the current book value of the capital.
- By scaling the formula with book value on both sides, we get Price-To-Book (PTB) value on the left-hand side, and abnormal return on equity (ROE).
- This suggests that a company's PTB ratio is a function of three factors: its future abnormal ROE (ROE less the cost of equity), the growth in its book equity, and its cost of equity.
- Hence, there is a strong relationship between PTB ratios and ROEs.
- Companies with high ROE should trade at higher PTB ratio compared with those with lower ROE.
The Screening
- ROEs and PTBs on Jan 1 of each year of all the companies listed on the Singapore Exchange from 1990 until 2007 were downloaded.
- Stocks were ranked by dividing their ROEs with their PTBs and split equally into 10 groups.
- The first group, or the first decile, is the top 10 per cent of stocks with the highest ROEs relative to their PTB ratios.
- The 10th decile comprises those with the lowest ROEs and highest PTB ratios.
- Then there's a group of loss-making companies.
The Back-Testing
- An investor performs the screening and invests $100 in the top four stocks with the highest ROE/PTB on Jan 1, 1990.
- On Jan 1, 1991, he repeats the same screening again; divested the initial four stocks and reinvested the proceeds into a new batch of stocks with the highest ROE/PTB.
- And he consistently did that for the past 17 years.
The Result
- There is a very clear relationship between stock returns and ROE/PTB.
- The top 10 per cent of companies with the highest ROE/PTB turned $100 into $34,048 in 17 years, a compounded return of 41 per cent a year.
- The next 10 per cent managed to grow the pot to $4,710, a decent 25 per cent a year.
- The third decile, managed $958 for a return of 14 per cent a year.
- And as we move to stocks with lower and lower ROE/PTBs, the return shrinks correspondingly.
- The fifth decile grew only 3.8 per cent a year and the 10th decile - the 10 per cent of the market with the lowest ROE/PTB - shrank the $100 to just $25.
- The test calculations did not take into consideration transaction costs.
- This screening process takes into consideration the underlying earnings capacity of a company in relation to how the market is valuing the company.
- Those with high ROE but low PTB are clear cases of mispricing.
- As the testing entailed a one-year holding period each year, decay factors (e.g. barriers to entry in their industries, change in production or delivery technologies, and quality of management) were insignificant.
The Conclusion
- If you find a stock with high ROE but relatively low PTB, then you may potentially have on your hands an undiscovered gem.
My view - the ROE/PTB measure might just be a simple value metric to uncover undiscovered multi-bagger stocks.
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